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531 lines
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!usc!not-for-mail
From: ajayshah@rcf.usc.edu
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.comp-aided
Subject: Diffs to Index of free C or C++ source code for numerical computation
Followup-To: sci.math.num-analysis
Date: 1 Jun 1993 18:30:35 -0700
Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, US
Lines: 514
Sender: ajayshah@almaak.usc.edu
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1ugvrr$sd3@almaak.usc.edu>
Reply-To: ajayshah@rcf.usc.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: almaak.usc.edu
Keywords: source code, numerical statistical scientific computation
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.lang.c:71403 comp.lang.c++:44268 sci.math.num-analysis:8441 sci.comp-aided:349
Here is a list of the new or modified entries this month:
Name : blas.cpp.shar.z
Name : Gnans
Name : hare (Hazard Regression)
Name : heft (Hazard Estimation with Flexible Tails)
Name : Matclass
Name : matmult.tar.z
Name : sdeint.tar.z
Name : SGPC
Name : SMMS (Sparse Matrix Manipulation System)
Name : |STAT
Name : wavethresh (wavelet.shar)
On to the full rcsdiff -c -b:
*** /tmp/T0a29088 Tue Jun 1 18:30:33 1993
--- freec.index Sat May 29 11:25:32 1993
*** 7,13 ****
written in either of C or C++. I also give pointers to books which
come with source code (and hence act as low-cost libraries).
! A slightly outdated version of this file is c/numcomp-free-c on netlib.
Please see the section "interesting sites" below to get some help on
how to retrieve software listed here.
--- 7,16 ----
written in either of C or C++. I also give pointers to books which
come with source code (and hence act as low-cost libraries).
! This file is numcomp-free-c.z in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
! (Note that this is the new gzip compression, you need gunzip to
! uncompress it).
! A slightly outdated version is c/numcomp-free-c on netlib.
Please see the section "interesting sites" below to get some help on
how to retrieve software listed here.
*** 78,96 ****
Comments : note the .z is the new gzip compression.
! Name : asa.Z
! Where : in opt on netlib
! file `asan' (421511 bytes) in general on statlib
! Description : adaptive simulated reannealing
! performing adaptive global optimization on multivariate
! nonlinear stochastic systems
Language : either K&R or ANSI C
! Authors : Lester Ingber (ingber@alumni.caltech.edu) and Bruce Rosen
! (rosen@ringer.cs.utsa.edu)
! Comments : this program was formerly called vfsr
! Some documents can be found in file lester.tar.z in
! pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
! Version : 1.1, 23 April 1993
Name : awesime
--- 81,94 ----
Comments : note the .z is the new gzip compression.
! Name : asa
! Where : file asa.Z in ftp.caltech.edu:/pub/ingber
! Description : adaptive simulated annealing: performing adaptive global
! optimization on multivariate nonlinear stochastic systems
Language : either K&R or ANSI C
! Authors : Lester Ingber (ingber@alumni.caltech.edu)
! Comments : current versions may be obtained from Lester Ingber
! Version : 1.9, 14 May 1993
Name : awesime
*** 118,123 ****
--- 116,128 ----
Comments : Excellent. very fast. possible problems with unalloc call.
+ Name : blas.cpp.shar.z
+ Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
+ Author : Damian McGuckin (damianm@eram.esi.com.au)
+ Description : a BLAS in C++
+ Version : beta, 8 May 1993
Name : brent rootfinding, aitken-lagrange interpolation,
hooke-jeeve minimiser
Where : in c on Netlib
*** 126,136 ****
Version : May 1991
- Name : BSDmath
- Where : e.g. agate.berkeley.edu
- Description : BSD implementation of math.h
Name : cephes
Author : Stephen L. Moshier, moshier@world.std.com
Description : extremely good library for numerical computation in C.
--- 131,136 ----
*** 236,247 ****
Description : radix 2 FFT
! Name : fft-summary.zoo (81360 bytes)
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Description : summary about FFT code in C, including lots of source
Author : Peter J. McKinney (pm860605@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu)
and Ron Mayer (mayer@acuson.com)
Version : 19 March 1993
Name : fftsing
--- 236,248 ----
Description : radix 2 FFT
! Name : fft-sstuff.tar.z
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Description : summary about FFT code in C, including lots of source
Author : Peter J. McKinney (pm860605@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu)
and Ron Mayer (mayer@acuson.com)
Version : 19 March 1993
+ Comments : Includes DDJ's improved version of Numerical Recipes four1().
Name : fftsing
*** 271,277 ****
Authors : J.L. Zhou (jzhou@eng.umd.edu) and
Andre' L. Tits (andre@eng.umd.edu);
translated to C by C.T. Lawrence (craigl@eng.umd.edu)
! Version : FSQP: 3.2, 3/93; CFSQP: 1.1, 3 April 93
Description : solution of constrained continuous optimization problems,
possibly minimax (cost function is max of finitely many
--- 272,278 ----
Authors : J.L. Zhou (jzhou@eng.umd.edu) and
Andre' L. Tits (andre@eng.umd.edu);
translated to C by C.T. Lawrence (craigl@eng.umd.edu)
! Version : FSQP: 3.2, 3/93; CFSQP: 1.2, 7 May 1993
Description : solution of constrained continuous optimization problems,
possibly minimax (cost function is max of finitely many
*** 344,356 ****
Author : Chris Pugmire, srghcxp@grv.grace.cri.nz
! Name : gmp-1.2.tar.z (146993 bytes)
Description : GNU multiple precision library
Where : in pub/gnu on prep.ai.mit.edu
! Version : 1.2, 9 Dec 1991
Author : ?
Name : go.c.Z (7288 bytes)
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Description : Calculate gaussian quadrature rules. Translation of
--- 345,368 ----
Author : Chris Pugmire, srghcxp@grv.grace.cri.nz
! Name : gmp-1.3.tar.z
Description : GNU multiple precision library
Where : in pub/gnu on prep.ai.mit.edu
! Version : 1.3, May 10 1993
Author : ?
+ Name : Gnans
+ Where : in ftp.mathematik.uni-Bremen.de:/pub/gnans
+ System : SunOS 4.1.x, IRIX, AIX; X11 Release 4-5 incl. Athena Widgets
+ Language : Ansi C/C++
+ Author : Bengt Martensson <bengt@mathematik.uni-Bremen.de>
+ Version : 1.0.0 (July 17, 1992)
+ Description : Simulation of stochastic and deterministic dynamical systems
+ Comments : A program (and language) for dynamical systems. Includes
+ simple scripting language. Graphical user interface. Copyleft.
Name : go.c.Z (7288 bytes)
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Description : Calculate gaussian quadrature rules. Translation of
*** 359,364 ****
--- 371,406 ----
Comments : numerical integration
+ Name : hare (Hazard Regression)
+ Where : file hare (a shar file) in S directory on statlib
+ Author : Charles Kooperberg (clk@stat.washington.edu)
+ Description : estimates the conditional hazard rate based on possibly
+ censored data and covariates. Includes parametric and
+ non-parametric, additive and non-additive proportional and
+ non-proportional hazards model as special cases. Addition
+ and deletion of basis functions make the fit highly adaptive.
+ Version : statlib, last update April 21, 1993
+ Comments : actually the objective of this file is to give a end-user
+ of the S statistical package this functionality. But the
+ actual computation is done in C.
+ Described in Univ. of California, Berkeley, Stat tech rep 389.
+ Available from the author.
+ Name : heft (Hazard Estimation with Flexible Tails)
+ Where : file heft (a shar file) in S directory on statlib
+ Author : Charles Kooperberg (clk@stat.washington.edu)
+ Description : estimates the unconditional hazard rate using splines. Knot
+ addition, deletion and two extra tail terms make the fit
+ highly adaptive.
+ Version : statlib, last update April 21, 1993
+ Comments : actually the objective of this file is to give a end-user
+ of the S statistical package this functionality. But the
+ actual computation is done in C.
+ Described in Univ. of California, Berkeley, Stat tech rep 388.
+ Available from the author.
Name : ieeetest.zoo (65783 bytes)
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Author : Stephen L. Moshier, moshier@world.std.com
*** 428,433 ****
--- 470,476 ----
Where : in pub/LEDA on ftp.cs.uni-sb.de (
Author : Stefan Naeher (stefan@mpi-sb.mpg.de)
Comments : includes code on computational geometry
+ There is a mailing list on it; contact listserv@dworkin.wustl.edu
Name : lin_alg.shar.Z
*** 438,449 ****
Name : logspline
Where : file logspline (a shar file) in S directory on statlib
Author : Charles Kooperberg (clk@stat.washington.edu)
! Description : spline density estimation
fully automatic nonparametric density estimation
! Version : statlib date stamp shows Oct 6 1992.
Comments : actually the objective of this file is to give a end-user
of the S statistical package this functionality. But the
actual computation is done in C.
Name : lpsolve
--- 481,495 ----
Name : logspline
Where : file logspline (a shar file) in S directory on statlib
Author : Charles Kooperberg (clk@stat.washington.edu)
! Description : logspline density estimation
fully automatic nonparametric density estimation
! adaptive smoothing using splines
! Version : statlib, last update April 21, 1993
Comments : actually the objective of this file is to give a end-user
of the S statistical package this functionality. But the
actual computation is done in C.
+ Described in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,
+ (1993), vol 1, 301-328.
Name : lpsolve
*** 505,510 ****
--- 551,575 ----
Where : netlib/matcalc on draci.cs.uow.edu.au
+ Name : Matclass
+ Description : a C++ class for numerical computation
+ Author : Chris Birchenhall (chris.birchenhall@mailhost.mcc.ac.uk}
+ Where : send email to author
+ Name : matmult.tar.z
+ Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
+ Author : Clark Thomborson
+ Description : Several C-language codes for n * n matrix multiply, n a
+ power of 2, developed as a laboratory exercise in the
+ Spring of 1993 for MIT course 6.891, "Source Code
+ Optimization for Workstations and Supercomputers." The
+ sources are commented, however the recursive SRM
+ (shuffled-row major) algorithm is obscure. Offered "as
+ is" into the public domain by the course instructor.
+ Version : 7 May 1993
Name : matrices.asc
Where : inside ddj9106.zip in published/dr-dobbs on ftp.uu.net
Description : efficiently raise matrices to an integer power
*** 517,522 ****
--- 582,588 ----
Description : collection of net postings and email about fast matrix multiply
Includes C source.
Version : 1 May 1993
+ Comments : also see matmult.tar.z in this file.
Name : matrix.tar.Z
*** 627,633 ****
Name : nonlinear
! Where : in pub on lyapunov.ucsd.edu (
Language : various
Description : archive of programs in nonlinear dynamics, signal processing
Author : various, contact person is mbk@lyapunov.ucsd.edu (Matt Kennel)
--- 693,699 ----
Name : nonlinear
! Where : in pub/inls-ucsd on lyapunov.ucsd.edu (
Language : various
Description : archive of programs in nonlinear dynamics, signal processing
Author : various, contact person is mbk@lyapunov.ucsd.edu (Matt Kennel)
*** 797,809 ****
Version : 16 Jan 1992
! Name : rktec.Z
Where : in misc on netlib
Description : computes the truncation error coefficients, tecs, of a
Runge-Kutta formula, or a pair of formulas, specified in an
input file.
Author : Mike Hosea (mhosea@sun.cis.smu.edu)
! Version : Sep 26 14:04:23 1992
Name : rlab
--- 863,875 ----
Version : 16 Jan 1992
! Name : rktec.c.Z (20870 bytes)
Where : in misc on netlib
Description : computes the truncation error coefficients, tecs, of a
Runge-Kutta formula, or a pair of formulas, specified in an
input file.
Author : Mike Hosea (mhosea@sun.cis.smu.edu)
! Version : v1.1, Dec 4 1992
Name : rlab
*** 852,857 ****
--- 918,933 ----
Version : ?
+ Name : sdeint.tar.z
+ Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
+ Systems : Unix, MS-DOS
+ Language : C++
+ Description : A Runge-Kutta like class for integrating systems of Stochastic
+ Differential Equations
+ Author : Skip Carter, skip@taygeta.oc.nps.navy.mil
+ Version : v1.9 4 May 1993
Name : sge.shar
Where : in c on Netlib
Description : Linpack functions geco, gefa, gesl and a little of BLAS;
*** 860,870 ****
Version : April 88
Author : SIMATH-Gruppe, Saarbruecken, Germany
Systems : Unix
Where : via anonymous ftp: ftp.math.uni-sb.de (,
! ftp.math.orst.edu (128.193.160) in pub/simath
Version : 3.6.1
Description : SIMATH contains a lot of C-functions over algebraic
structures as arbitrary long integers, rational
--- 936,954 ----
Version : April 88
+ Name : SGPC
+ Description : Simple Genetic Programming in C
+ Author : Walter Alden Tackett (tackett@ipld01.hac.com)
+ Where : in the pub/Users/tackett on sfi.santafe.edu
+ Version : 28 May 1993
+ Comments : genetic algorithms, nonlinear maximisation
Author : SIMATH-Gruppe, Saarbruecken, Germany
Systems : Unix
Where : via anonymous ftp: ftp.math.uni-sb.de (,
! ftp.math.orst.edu ( in pub/simath
Version : 3.6.1
Description : SIMATH contains a lot of C-functions over algebraic
structures as arbitrary long integers, rational
*** 876,881 ****
--- 960,967 ----
The SIMATH package also includes a user interface,
which makes it possible to use the on-line
documentation of the functions and the keyword index.
+ It is free, but you have to first register, in order
+ to get a "license" file without which it won't compile.
Name : simpack
*** 894,899 ****
--- 980,1004 ----
Where : in pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
+ Name : SMMS (Sparse Matrix Manipulation System)
+ Description : A collection of about 80 commands to do almost
+ anything you wish to do with sparse matrices VERY
+ EASILY. It is designed as an instructional and
+ prototyping tool, not for "production" work.
+ Where : /pub/smms93/* on eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu
+ Systems : Any Unix system with X-windows, but tested only on Sun,
+ HP and DEC. Also works under DOS
+ Language : Mostly C (any version). One or two routines in Fortran
+ Author : Fernando Alvarado (alvarado@engr.wisc.edu)
+ Version : Release 2 May 1993
+ Comments : Includes online help for every command and LaTeX and
+ PostScript versions a manual. Expandable by the user.
+ Release 2 handles complex sparse matrices, interval
+ matrices, blocked matrices adn symbolic matrices.
+ Visualization tools. Interfaces to Harwell routines
+ and Boeing-Harwell sparse matrix data.
Name : smooth.tar.Z
Description : Unix tool for smoothing
Where : in ftp-raimund/pub/src/Math on nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at
*** 917,922 ****
--- 1022,1039 ----
Version : v2.9, 21 Nov 1992
+ Name : |STAT
+ Where : in pub/stat on archive.cis.ohio-state.edu (
+ Description : collection of around 30 Unix tools for statistical analysis
+ Author : Gary Perlman (perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu)
+ Version : 5.4, 27 May 1993
+ Systems : Unix, MS-DOS
+ Comments : Has been in use for 13 years. There is a troff|ps manual
+ and man pages. Explicitly designed to work with Unix
+ philosophy. The file stat.tar.Z.crypt.uu is ENCRYPTED;
+ you have to send email asking for the password.
Name : submit1
Where : in jcgs on Statlib
Description : damped convex minorant algorithm
*** 980,985 ****
--- 1097,1115 ----
Comments : splines
+ Name : wavethresh (wavelet.shar)
+ Where : in directory S on Statlib, and anonymous ftp from
+ gdr.bath.ac.uk, in directory pub/masgpn
+ Language : C (and S functions)
+ Author : Guy Nason (gpn@maths.bath.ac.uk)
+ Version : 2.1 (March 26 1993)
+ Description : wavelet transform & thresholding software in C for linking
+ into S.
+ Comments : Performs 1- and 2-D discrete wavelet transforms using
+ Daubechie's wavelets. Also performs thresholding according to
+ Donoho and Johnstone.
Name : weisfeld-simplex.shar (7457 bytes)
Where : pub/C-numanal on usc.edu
Description : small implementation of simplex method for linear programming.
*** 1077,1082 ****
--- 1207,1218 ----
If you don't have ftp access, send email to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
saying "help". You will get instructions on how to do ftp via email.
+ Juhana Kouhia (jk87377@cs.tut.fi) has setup a very nice service:
+ Everything in this index (except for what is on {net,stat}lib) is
+ mirrored in pub/sci/math/numcomp-free-c on nic.funet.fi
+ Note: this site is in finland. If you are in the US, please try
+ to find a site closer to you.
source-code newsgroups:
ftp.uu.net (e.g. usenet/comp.sources.reviewed archives the
comp.sources.reviewed newsgroup).
*** 1220,1225 ****
--- 1356,1363 ----
Alan Cabrera adc@tardis.cl.msu.edu
Vincent Broman broman@peanuts.nosc.mil
Piercarlo Grandi pcg@aberystwyth.ac.uk
+ Abed Hammoud abed@saturn.wustl.edu
+ Richard A. O'Keefe ok@goanna.cs.rmit.OZ.AU
Of course, we owe infinite gratitude to the authors themselves, for
making their work available in the public domain.
Ajay Shah, (213)749-8133, ajayshah@rcf.usc.edu